Mikrolink's Sustainability Perspective;
Conscious that sustainability is the most important value for our future, takes a solution-oriented approach to global and local challenges, employing its technology to improve and sustain life.
We engage in innovative, environmental, and social sustainability efforts to make the world a better place by producing the finest solutions for now while simultaneously providing value for the future.
Potential issues posed by emerging technologies: Mikrolink demonstrates its sensitive viewpoint by responding within the context of environmental, social, and economic sustainability studies.
We see every project that adds value to the future as a step in our sustainability activities and work to fulfill our global responsibilities in every step we take.
We adopt the understanding of sustainable development in the fight against climate change and other environmental problems due to global warming.
Within the framework of responsible production and consumption, Mikrolink engages in activities for sustainable resource use and aims to balance greenhouse gas emissions in the fight against global climate change.
We produce solutions to reduce the carbon footprint caused by transportation, heating, and electricity consumption and make plans to raise awareness.
We carry out our sustainability activities with environmental, social, and economic sustainability.